Astra Psychology LocationSuite 4 | Level 5, 35 Buckingham St, Surry Hills, NSW   Astra Psychology Email   Astra Psychology Phone 0478 807 961     Astra Psychology Linked In

Understand yourself and your world –
with someone who cares

Astra Psychology

Understand yourself and your world –
with someone who cares

Do you feel lost? That something is missing?

Are you experiencing loss? Or disappointment? Feeling powerless?

You want to change or you want things to be different, but it is not happening.

You want to understand.

Astra Psychology is here to help you, to be here for you.

Lighten Your Life

Astra Psychology offers you the chance to work with a skilled and experienced psychologist to identify the issues that may confront you, and to fulfill solutions that are best for you.

We work in a space where there are no judgements.

We listen and advise, calmly. Allowing you to say what needs to be said, allowing you to feel what needs to be felt.

Using authenticated therapy techniques, we work with you to find a way ahead.

There is always an answer. We will work on finding the best answer for you – with you, together.

There is always an answer.

There is always a way ahead.

It’s time for you. Time to have the best.

Astra Psychology is here to help you.

Our experience, our training, our insights: they can be yours.

The Counselling Experience

Perhaps you have not seen a psychologist before. Or perhaps you have seen a psychologist and the experience was not positive for you.

We will meet with you privately – either face to face or using our secure telehealth videoconference platform, Coviu. We will hear from you about your wishes and aspirations, your hopes. You will be encouraged to give us your life story in a way that develops understanding so that we know what has meaning for you and what is important to you.

Together we will work out a way to move forward, to help you in ways that are best suited for you and your situation.

All of this is done in a safe and secure environment, where your privacy is assured. We will be open with you and we will invite you to provide regular feedback to us, letting us know how you are travelling.

Throughout the process, we will listen and reach an understanding. We will give you freedom of choice. This includes when you choose to bring about an end to therapy.

For more information about the experience of seeing a psychologist, read our reflection here.

When We Question Ourselves

It is common for people to question their ability to cope. We can question our ability to deal with a situation. We can wonder whether we have what it takes.

We can worry or become anxious. Or we can be hard on ourselves and get down or depressed.

When this happens, it can sometimes stop us from doing things that need to be done. And sometimes this confirms what we think we know about ourselves.

We can question ourselves and our abilities so much that it gets in the way of living a fulfilling life. Or it can get in the way of us helping others.

When We Question The World

It is also common for people to question why the world around them is so harsh.

We can experience loss. We can feel sadness and grief. Why did this have to happen?

We can experience injustice and unfairness. Why was this done to me, or to the ones that I love?

We can experience loneliness and isolation. Why does no-one seem to care?

Relationships change or they end. People do bad or unfair things. The world is unjust or, what is sometimes worse, the world doesn’t seem to be interested or concerned.

These thoughts can hold us back.

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.



How to Help Someone Who is Grieving

How to Help Someone Who is Grieving

Grief is common to the human experience. It is likely that we will grieve at points in our life. It is also likely that at some stage we will want to help someone who is grieving. Grief can take many forms and is deeply personal. It can be challenging to experience...

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Existential Loneliness and Depression

Existential Loneliness and Depression

This reflection looks at the complex nature of existential depression and its relationship with concepts of loneliness, identity, and the quest for meaning. Existential depression is a deep form of psychological distress. People sometimes believe that life lacks...

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Positive Psychology

Positive Psychology

Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the study of human strengths, self-satisfaction and contentment. In this article, you will learn the positive psychology principles you can use to live a more content life.

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To Book an Appointment

To book an appointment, or to obtain further information, you can contact Astra Psychology by emailing us at, calling us on 0478 807 961 or completing this enquiry form.

Where We Are

Astra Psychology is at Suite 4 of level 5, 35 Buckingham Street, Surry Hills.

We are conveniently located just 3 minutes’ walk from Central Railway Station (Chalmers Street exit), and a few minutes’ walk from buses and light rail.

We also provide online counselling using Coviu, a secure health-grade videoconference platform. So, no matter where you are located, you will be able to access our services.

Parking & Transport

On-street parking is available, but usually about 10 minutes’ walk away. Parking is usually most available around Belvoir Street, on the other side of Elizabeth Street.

We recommend that, if possible, you use public transport to access our location as parking cannot always be guaranteed. Parking stations can be found in Holt Street and Lee Street.

Visit Us

Suite 4 of level 5
35 Buckingham Street
Surry Hills, NSW.

Call Us

0478 807 961

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